Hello once again, esteemed world-travelers! It is I, your fellow sojourner, Igmar.
Please excuse me for my extended absence, as I had much work to do to ensure the continued operation of this device, and many other experiments that have taken up my time.
Considering the vast array of worlds from which our group are derived, and the apparently vast difference in the laws of science in each, I thought it prudent to offer a concise explanation of my own. The realm of Midgard is ruled by what my colleagues in the school of Elemental Science illustrate in a diagram called "The Contrivance of Forces" (So called in observance of our comparatively limited knowledge of their interaction). These forces are powers or energies which correspond to those found in our environment and biology, which in turn affect and transform flora and fauna which live in environments of concentrated elements. Vera, similar to the image seen above, is an example of that- she and her kind owe their blue coloration to the high concentration of the elements of Darkness and Life, which pool in the dark glades to the south of our village. The shadows in moonlight collect these energies, and the plant-life upon which these blue rabbits graze contain traces of Darkness, which changes the hue of their fur, lending its blue coloration. As a general rule, if there is a significant level of any natural force (Fire, Water, Wind, Death, etc.) in one area, living things in that area will adapt to and emulate that force. It is not known exactly how many of these elements there are, and they range from physical to mental to spiritual forces,
We in the community of scientists and spellcrafters inscribe these forces into carefully designed Runes which contain and focus their energies, enabling us to bend them to specific purposes. There are other known methods for controlling the elements, and even methods for emulating their effects without the use of runes, but these forces are basic to the development of new technologies and the progress of our culture.
Well, I do hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction, and I would be delighted to hear about the forms of magic in your own worlds!
I think you and yours are rather lucky to live in a world where some have magic and others don't and it's all quite spiffy one way or the other. Where I'm from, you can't have magic and live in the human world. And you can't be entirely magickless and expect to survive in Faerie. Magic, or the lack of it, defines the worlds we live in.