Hello. My name is Digger. I am a brave and good dog. Do not ask me how I can post. It just happens. It is neat to see word-es. They are my fav-o-rite thing. I wish I could use them with my person. He would like it. He loves me and feeds me and I would tell him thank you for taking me to chase the stupid-id duckses at the pond. My Sher-i-dan-person is the bestest person in the whole world and he would be a good dog because he is strong and brave and loyal. Sheridan did not used to be strong, but he is now. He can be brave if he has to help or save someone from the Bad Ones. But I think he would not like to fight the Bad Ones. Fighting is not his fav-o-rite thing. He likes to read book-es and not fight. I like to pretend to fight with old socks that my person ties together-er. It is my favorite thing. I like to bite the Bad Ones when they try to hurt my person too. They do not taste good, but it is funny to make them run because then I can chase them and it is my fav-o-rite thing to run and chase things. My person does not like to run. He only walks unless some-body is chasing him. Then it is fun because I can chase whatever is chasing my Sher-i-dan-person and we can all run and it is fun. May-be one day I can chase those Bad Ones all the way away and they will not come to bother us anymore. Then I could stay with my person forever and he would not have to leave to fight the Bad Ones so much. That would be nice. I hope you like my firstest post, and that you will be my friends because I love to make friends. This blog is my fav-o-rit-est thing.
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