Okay...so...I've got this like FACE on the freaking wall across the freaking hall from the freaking door to my freaking room! And I think the freaking thing just LOOKED at me a little while ago! I'd just about swear that it did. Its eyes were following me and it smiled more than usual! I tried to take a picture of the wall to post it, but my phone keeps screwing up. First something was in the way (NOT my finger) and then the pic was blurry, and then my battery just completely died, even though I KNOW it was charged up an hour ago.
I was able to google it and find something that looks pretty close to the face. It's on the left. Does anyone know what in the world it is? The one across from my door is all in wood, carved into the paneling. It's about a foot across and the leaves and vines creeping all over it run across the wall.
I've seen some pretty crazy stuff in the last year, but I don't like the idea of going to sleep with this thing staring at my door. I might just move a chair in front of the door tonight.
Does anybody have any idea what this is? I'll take freaking ideas and plain ones!
That is...interesting? I know magic doesn't work the same between our worlds, but- well, I would immediately call that an elemental- It looks human, but not quite so- the ivy is what's sticking in my mind the most. There are glades deep in the forests of Midgard, where the oldest trees grow and no one lives- they're like fountains of Life magic, and ivy is EVERYWHERE. Creatures that live there for more than one generation begin to sprout ivy from their bodies, and some become almost completely like the plants around them. Like I said, not that it really has any bearing on your world (although maybe it does?), but I'd call that an elemental of pure Life magic, maybe even one of the Aelelf. I'll get Uncle on here to confirm, but that's my guess.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, you were probably wanting comforting reassurance or something? Sorry, I don't have much to say there; no one knows much about the Aelelf... you should probably be careful just in case.
Midgard? Aelelf? I'm not sure. And I don't think that a leering face on the wall is spouting much life magic. The second world I went to after Relois had some things like that. Maybe I'll check with them. I'll look it up in the library here too--Just have to get past that carving....
ReplyDeleteAnybody else want to be warm, comforting, reassuring, and maybe like make SENSE?!
Seriously though, thanks.
My dear, I believe what my nephew meant to say is that the carving you have pictured there resembles the descriptions we have of the Aelelf, which are creatures which reside in our own world. We have only some obscure, second-hand accounts found in the wilderness- among the empty campsites of certain scholarly expeditions. It seems any who go out to catalog these spirits never return, although there is no evidence to suggest they have been killed, or even captured against their will.
ReplyDeleteI concur with Andreas' opinion- While I believe it is unlikely that an Aelelf found its way to your world (however relatively common it is for you to travel to others'), the face in the image above appears remarkably "elfish"- they are of a dual kind in our world, you see- the Aelelf which live among the living and the light of day, and the Vergelf, which are beings of darkness, and as some believe, creatures of death.
After seeing your image there, I did some research on these "Internets" of yours (facinating indeed, I have spent far too much time perusing its endless pages) and discovered this article on what appears to be a quite scholarly and comprehensive source-
Perhaps this is the answer you seek? I find it strange that your world would have sculptures in its history that so closely resemble our artists' best rendering of our native spirits- it makes me wonder if there is not some connection between our worlds after all.
Well sure, it does look like the sketches you showed me, but that's not what I meant-
ReplyDeleteMeg, since you're still just a kid, I'd have said that you were just imagining things, but considering the house you're in... I don't know, I think there might be something more to it. Aelelf are said to inhabit trees and other plant-life as camouflage, so it wouldn't be so far-fetched to say that one might be peeking through a carving in the woodwork- I'm just saying there are instances of wood-dwelling spirits in our world, maybe there are in yours.
Does anyone else have anything to say about this?
ReplyDeleteI am no expert. But I have learned a few things since I came to the House of the Dead and one of them is that myth and things of myth are not so far away from reality as we would think.
The other day, I was out walking (cause sometimes that is the only thing to do here) when I saw a Green Man. I say "a" because I have come to learn that there was once a race of these...erm...men. They have the really freaky ability to take shape in or on surfaces or things made of wood. I read Tolkien once...I think he made them something like Ents...but the Green Man is more than an Entish being but he does come in different forms. At least this is my understanding.
Anyway, I only caught a glimpse, because though they are really curious, they are very shy. So...um...don't get freaked, you're lucky to have seen him. Have you tried talking to him?
So you mean that thing could be ALIVE?!?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteUmmmmm....Let me get BACK to you on that!!!! I think I might just crawl out my window from now on. I wonder if the Davidsons would mind nailing my door shut....
Huh. Maybe you should ask them about this "Green Man"? Has anything else happened?