Why am I here? Why do I have to answer these questions? This is stupid. What? Some brilliant author posted them in a blog? Okay. Fine. Whatever. Bring on the questions. I’ll answer.
What is your full name?
Mikaela. Wait, do I have to give another name? There are people looking for me. Safe? Really? Here? Fine. It’s Wayre. Mikaela Wayre.
Describe your appearance.
I’m normal. I’m not that tall, not that short. People say I’m too skinny, but food requires, you know, money. Or hunting skills. I have neither. I have brown eyes and brown hair and brownish skin. Lots of sun. Is this really necessary?
Tell about your family.
They died of the plague. Thanks for bringing that up. I had a mother and father and a big brother. His name was Taro.
What is your favorite color?
Blue. No, green. Blue-green? I don’t know! How is this relevant?
What was/is your favorite subject in school?
I liked working with numbers. It was useful.
What is your occupation (or intended occupation)?
Evading capture/death/torture/stupid questions. Oh, you mean before I was run out of my village? I raised horses.
What are some of your hobbies?
See above.
What are some of your skills/talents/accomplishments?
I am, apparently, quite magical. I can talk to fire and horses. I can shape shift a little (by accident) and invade people’s dreams. What can I say? I’m multi-talented.
Who is/are your closest friend/s?
I don’t have friends. My village chased me out with pitchforks, thereby ruining any chance of mending relationships there. The people I travel with, Alec and Tevrin, are… well, they’re…. allies? people who kidnapped me? Fellow magic-users with hidden agendas? Not friends. I guess I could probably call the girl I met on the road, Ryli, a sort of friend. But I abandoned her, more or less, so she probably wouldn’t say the same.
What is your deepest wish?
To not be chased, tortured, killed, etc etc etc for the rest of my life.
What do you feel is your purpose in life?
Ha! That’s what that Fae girl asked me. What’s my purpose? Let me tell you. It’s not to become part of some big overthrow of the Holds. It’s not to use my powers for the good (or ill) of the world. It’s not to follow Alec around forever. That didn’t answer your question? Oh… Well… Huh…
What is your personal philosophy?
Pitchforks = Evil Incarnate
What attracts you to a member of the opposite sex?
Find me a decent one and ask me again.
What is your favorite food?
Anything less than three days old.
What do you dislike most of all?
Today? Alec.
What types of books do you like to read?
I don’t. Books cost a lot of money and reading takes a lot of time.
Describe your ideal place to live.
Somewhere clean, dry, warm, shiny, with wooden floors, solid walls, at least two windows, a fireplace, a pear tree outside, and not a single pitchfork within twenty miles.
List five things that make you feel happy.
Sunshine. Cake. Dry clothes. Venison sandwiches. Alec stubbing his toe, tripping over a branch, and falling into a nearby stream. That was a good day.
What is your biggest fear?
That I’ll have to choose a Hold. And I’ll regret my choice.
Tell me four completely random facts about yourself.
I can’t swim. I can’t dance. I used to think that noblemen had the ability to melt peasants with their eyes… and I’m still not convinced my brother was lying about that. I have trust issues.
Are we done? Because I have more running from people who want to kill me to do...